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Jawaban Formatif M5 LA3 Profesional - Graphic Organizer

Jawaban Formatif M5 LA3 Profesional - Graphic Organizer

For questions 1 - 3, complete the definitions of Graphic Organizers. Choose the correct answer, A, B, C, or D, and mark your answer.

Question 1 (1 point)
1. Graphic organizer (GO) is a term to describe all visual learning strategies such as....
A. concept maps, tables, and diagrams
B. tables, descriptions, and diagrams
C. concept maps, figures, and tables
D. diagrams, figures, and concept maps

Question 2 (1 point)
2. Graphic organizer (GO) is used to....
A. structure ideas visually and facilitate audience spot key information easily
B. help readers/listeners identify key information more quickly
C. map out ideas using different structures
D. enhance communicative purpose visually; e.g. to explain, to describe, etc.

Question 3 (1 point)
3. Line graphs is one type of GO commonly used to....
A. compare percentages of a whole piece of data
B. summarize figures visually
C. show specific trends in data, often on a time line
D. discuss comparisons in trends

Questions 4 - 7 refer to Figure 1. Choose the correct answer, A, B, C, or D, and mark your answer sheet.

Figure 1: Annual Rainfall in Dubai

Question 4 (1 point)
4. What is the purpose of Figure 1?
A. To figure out not only monthly temperatures but also yearly rainfall
B. To show differences of rainfalls in one year in Dubai
C. To describe monthly average temperatures and rainfalls in Dubai
D. To explain relationships between monthly average temperatures and rainfalls in Dubai

Question 5 (1 point)
5. In Dubai, the temperature ranges from 29 to 48 degrees in which months?
A. May and June
B. July and August
C. March and April
D. November and December

Question 6 (1 point)
6. The dry season as shown Figure 1 that there is almost no rain in Dubai occurs between....
A. June and October
B. November and December
C. January and April
D. July and August

Question 7 (1 point)
7. The highest temperature of the year in Dubai takes place between....
A. January and May
B. May and June
C. June and September
D. July and August

Questions 8-10 refer to Figure 2. Choose the correct answer, A, B, C, or D, and mark your answer sheet.

Figure 2: Number of Hour Spent in British University Library

Question 8 (1 point)
8. What is the purpose of Figure 2?
A. To show similarities and differences of hours spent by British university students in a library
B. To describe hours spent by British university students in a library
C. To illustrate graphically the time spent by British university students studying in a library
D. To show the number of students learning in a British library

Question 9 (1 point)
9. How are postgraduate students and students of all levels similar in spending their time in a library?
A. Most students spent less than 8 hours in the library
B. Students in the middle-group spent between 8 to 14 hours in the library
C. The majority of students used the library for fifteen or more hours per week
D. They spent their time studying in the library for about 8 and 14 hours

Question 10 (1 point)
10. What general conclusions can you draw on Figure 2?
A. Undergraduate students spend less time in the library compared to other students
B. Postgraduate students spend more time in the library than all other students
C. Students of different grade levels spent different lengths of time in the library
D. All other students spend less time in the library than postgraduate students

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