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Remedial English X Bab 6: Past Tense & Present Perfect Tense

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Jawaban kamu akan disimpan di Google Drive untuk direview Pak Ubet Zubaidi. Data akan dipantau setiap hari jam 18.00 WIB. Pastikan kamu telah melampaui KKM 75 untuk ujian ini. Selamat mengerjakan.

1. She ... in a two-story house when she was young.
A. lived
B. has lived
C. lives
D. live
E. living
2. German Democratic Republic ... the Berlin Wall in 1961.
A. construct
B. constructs
C. has constructed
D. constructed
E. constructing
3. He ... the car yet.
A. fix
B. didn’t fix
C. hasn’t fixed
D. don't fix
E. fixed
4. They ... in Boston for ten years before moving here.
A. have lived
B. lives
C. living
D. live
E. lived
5. The factory ... in operation since 1980.
A. was
B. has been
C. be
D. have been
E. has
6. ... already?
A. has the bus left
B. have the bus left
C. did the bus leave
D. did the bus leaves
E. do the bus leave
7. Arum ... her bank locker key yesterday.
A. lose
B. looses
C. has lost
D. lost
E. have lost
8. How long ... to get the diagnosis? It took so long.
A. waiting
B. waited
C. have you waited
D. did you wait
E. waiters
9. The driver ... his car three times this year.
A. crash
B. crashed
C. chrashing
D. has crashed
E. have crashed
10. I ... the book, but still don’t get it.
A. read
B. have re-read
C. re-read
D. reading
E. has re-read

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  2. Klik jawaban yang diingainkan. Jawaban yang terpilih akan berwarna merah.
  3. Selesai mengerjakan, klik tombol "FINISH" dan konfirmasi bahwa anda yakin.
  4. Nilai akan keluar dan disimpan di Google Spreadheet. Anda bisa melihatnya di link yang telah disediakan.
  5. Ujian ini bisa dilakukan lebih dari sekali.
Berdoalah dan selamat mengerjakan

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